Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.



  • To provide a dialogue between teachers and children about strengths and areas to develop using specific criteria
  • To feedback on Thinking Moves and learning habits enabling improvements in thinking and learning
  • To use peer and self assessment effectively so children have time to improve following critical feedback
  • To indicate how a challenge needs to be corrected and improved against success criteria in all subjects and Steps to Success (S2S) in writing, reading and maths


Feedback will:

  • Give children opportunities to become aware of and reflect on their learning needs
  • Offer direction and support on how to improve
  • Relate to an aspect(s) of the split screen objectives shared during the session in the ASK (attitude, skills and knowledge)
  • Give recognition and appropriate praise for effort and the process of learning as well as the product
  • Give clear strategies for improving outcomes and approaches
  • Respond to individual learning needs, be face-to-face as often as possible
  • Be manageable, purposeful and effective

Teachers need to:

  • Feedback to children honestly, against success criteria, ensuring they have clear guidance on how to improve
  • Use success criteria where appropriate to provide guidance on what ‘good’ and ‘bad’ looks like e.g. WAGOLL, WABOLL
  • Ensure children have explicit time dedicated for improvement
  • Make children aware of the criteria against which their learning challenges will be assessed
  • Focus feedback on the development of the skill and/or the learning habits/thinking move using success criteria and S2S
  • Use oral feedback first
  • Ensure effective use of peer and self assessment
  • Ensure children see feedback as positive and crucial for improving their learning
  • Ensure written feedback, if used, is appropriate to the year group, showing development across the school
  • Ensure written feedback, if used, is concise, legible and clear in meaning
  • Give children dedicated time to respond to comments (both oral and written)
  • Plan for children to have dedicated time to reflect, improve and work independently
  • Decide whether learning challenges will simply be acknowledged or given detailed attention - not all challenges can be quality marked
  • Use learning zones (stretch, comfort, stress) to enable children to reflect on their challenges and then feedback to teachers
  • Use S2S, learning zones (comfort/ stretch/ stress) and success criteria to inform peer and self reflection
  • Use the ‘think pink’ and ‘green to go’ highlighting strategy in all classes
  • Carry out 'work scrutinies' with children to support reflection

To be read in conjunction with the Teaching for Learning and Assessment policies

Reviewed September 2019, June 2021, June 2022

Next review September 2023 or as necessary

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