Andreas School Introduction Policy
This policy to include procedures for:
- New teaching staff (including Nursey Nurses/ SESO's, ESOs, NQTs)
- New children joining during the school year (Reception Induction is covered separately).
This policy will be implemented in accordance with agreed aims and other relevant policies including appraisal, safeguarding, behaviour, anti bullying and health & safety.
Aims for Andreas School Staff
These induction procedures aim to provide all newly appointed staff and those changing role with a programme of structured support and guidance as appropriate to their role to enable them to:
- integrate successfully into the school;
- consolidate their performance;
- gain experience and develop professional expertise;
- fulfil their job description successfully;
- have opportunities for observation and discussion of their work with senior staff to discuss any difficulties that may be experienced;
- identify their potential for career development and take advantage of opportunities
for CPD; - have opportunities to join in and contribute to discussions on school policy.
Supply Staff
Supply staff should:
- be welcomed by the Head or Deputy Headteacher
- be shown, on the first visit, a handout ‘Information for supply teachers’
- be given relevant information on the class (class list, SEN information, groups) - this will be in the supply teacher file.
- if the class teacher’s absence is planned in advance, be contacted by the class teacher and be provided with planning for the sessions
- have access to the Head of Deputy Head if issues arise
- have the opportunity to complete a review sheet of their experience
Teaching Staff (ref Induction checklist)
The Head or Deputy will ensure new staff are given a guided tour of the school, identifying locations of resources, procedures, staff and other relevant information.
All new staff should be given appropriate induction advice, training and resources by the Head, Deputy or another TLR2a. They will be provided with an ‘important information for you to see’ list (appendix 1)
All new staff will be allocated a mentor to provide advice and support on a daily basis.
New staff have access to head or deputy to discuss additional training needs and difficulties they may be experiencing, in addition to Appraisal procedures. An informal discussion at the end of the first month and then half termly during the first year with a staff colleague will be held to identify and resolve any concerns.
New staff will need to liaise with administrator to ensure security and access arrangements are made (e.g. entrance cards).
Induction for early career teachers will be provided, following guidance from the DESC, taking account of individual Career Entry Profiles.
Induction advice and resources will be provided as for all teaching staff. (appendix 1)
Each ECT's induction should:
- match particular development needs, identified during training;
- provide appropriate development related to the teacher's strengths
- identify targets to be achieved for the first year of teaching;
- provide opportunities for the teacher and line manager to record agreed targets and an action plan for their achievement, linking the teacher's needs with the School Improvement Plan and targets.
All ECTs take part in an induction-training programme arranged by the Department. This programme may include: opportunities to visit schools to observe good practice; a planned programme of training for curriculum, classroom management and personal development; regular discussions with experienced teachers involved in the programme.
ECTs are allocated a mentor for day-to-day advice and support.
Whilst ECTs take part in the school’s normal monitoring procedures, they will also have additional observations by their mentor or subject co-ordinators whom they feel would offer relevant advice. They are provided with feedback to support assessment and development of their practice. Additional supportive observation and feedback is provided by senior staff and advisors in accordance with the Island Induction Policy.The head and deputy are available to discuss any additional training needs and difficulties that may be experienced.
Non-teaching Staff (S/ESO’s)
The Headteacher and Deputy are responsible for the induction of S/ESO’s, although much of the advice and training will be provided by the SenCo and class teacher.
Induction should include:
- Introduction to school staff
- The opportunity to work shadow the existing post holder or person undertaking a similar job, where possible
- Information on the school with access to policy information.
- Timetables and group lists for relevant classes
- Information concerning the child/children
- Information on resources including SEN resources.
- Information on assessment, record keeping, and other procedures they may be involved with.
- Training in the use of the photocopier, laminator.
- Introduction to the computer system
- Health and Safety information
- Information on training opportunities
All staff will take part in Appraisal procedures.
Staff will be sent on relevant courses where ever possible.
Parents And Children Joining During The School Year
The Headteacher and the Deputy Headteacher are responsible for the induction of new children and their parents. The information required is on the school website however parents will:
- Meet with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher to discuss child’s needs and provide school information
- Have a guided tour around the school with an opportunity to meet the designated class teacher and class
- Spend some time in school with the class before joining full time if appropriate
The class teacher will be responsible for the day-to-day induction providing:
- A named buddy to support the child in daily routines
- The necessary equipment
- Information on homework, PE games, play/lunch arrangements, newsletters
- Assessment in liaison with SENCO to identify appropriate learning and emotional needs if appropriate
- Pastoral support and parental contact
Welcome & Introduction |
Date |
Comments |
Safeguarding |
Facilities |
Health & Safety |
School Vision / Policies |
Training & Developing |
Protocol & Meetings |
Classroom |
Date: June 2015
Reviewed: June 2016 2017 2018 2019 : 2021
Next Review January 2024
PLEASE remember to ask if there is anything you are unclear about.