Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.

Policy for Adult Helpers in school.


At Andreas, we believe that our school should be open and welcoming to all who would like to support our children. We also want to encourage parents and other adults to help teachers in a variety of ways. However, our overriding concern is for the safety of the children in our care. This document sets out our school’s policy, which is to ensure that the children benefit from as much help and support as possible, whilst being kept safe and secure at the same time.

Responsibilities & Guidance:

The Department of Education, Sport and Culture requires all schools to offer the following guidance to adults who help in schools.The guidelines are designed to be of support to those who voluntarily help in school and particularly to those who may be helping for the first time.They are not intended to be a set of rules but rather guidelines, which seeks to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.

  • The Class teacher is in charge of the class, its’ programme of learning and its discipline.It is they who will decide upon the nature and level of support they would like you to provide.
  • Please remember that if you are ever unhappy about an activity which you have been asked to supervise, please say so and talk to the teacher concerned.
  • We treat the pupils with courtesy and respect and expect them to treat everyone, both adults and children, the same way.As one of the partners in the learning process, you will be viewed as a good role model of a caring, sensible adult.Pupils will be watching and copying you.They model themselves on you, your views, attitudes and appearance.
  • Total confidentiality is essential. We ask that you treat anything you see or hear in school as completely confidential. Some things that happen in school or that are discussed between staff are of a sensitive nature and we would ask adult helpers in school to be respectful of everyone in our school community. If you are in school for any length of time, you will naturally become aware of the abilities and achievements of different pupils.This information must obviously be regarded as confidential.Please try to imagine how you would feel if you heard another adult discussing, or making a comment, about your child.By all means tell others about how you are helping in school but what you see and hear cannot be for general discussion outside school.If you have any concerns at all, take them in the first instance to the class teacher or Headteacher. If you are approached for specific information by a parent, you should refer them to the class teacher or Headteacher. Confidentiality also applies to use of social networking sites.We will ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement and a copy will be kept in school.
  • In some situations, depending on the task(s) that you are involved in, it may be necessary to carry out a DBS (police) check before you are able to work in school with the children. Should it be deemed necessary, you will be asked to provide identification and return a DBS form to the Headteacher.
  • All visitors to school are required to sign the Visitors Book upon arrival and prior to departure.Please remember to do so on every occasion when you work in school. The visitors book in our school is kept in the office.
  • Together, you and the school have made a commitment over time for you to work as a member of a team in the best interests of the pupils.If for any reason either party wishes to discontinue the partnership, then this may happen as amicably and smoothly as when the process was initiated.
  • Please remember to behave safely at all times, and not to place the pupils in your care at risk.Make yourself aware of the emergency and evacuation procedures for the area in which you are working.
  • If you are helping pupils with a task, please try to do so without solving the problems for them. Ask questions, suggest lines of enquiry and encourage pupils to explain what they mean rather than supply the answers.
  • At Andreas Primary School we aim to make learning as exciting as we can, so often lessons will be practical and that is when we need most help. There may not be a lot of writing down or recording because that is not where the learning is. It is in the doing. Having an adult to challenge the learning is very helpful. Being able to ask the children open questions is a great skill and brings out the thinking in children, questions like: “I wonder what would happen if we put it the other way up?”, “Why do you think it does that?”, “Where has that answer come from?” and “How did you find that out?”

We really do appreciate the time and effort put in by volunteer helpers and we recognise the impact this can have on the children’s learning journe24

Review June 2024

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