Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

When the alarm sounds, make the children line up in an orderly fashion and walk out of the building in single file. Teachers bring their classes out to the assembly point on the top playground.


All classes exit from the outside doors in their classrooms.

Office, Head’s Office, Staffroom & Year 1/2 - Main Entrance.

Sports Hall will exit from the Main Entrance.

This only holds good when classes are in their own rooms, at all other times, use the nearest exit.

The toilets & changing rooms will need to be checked to ensure that no child is left in the building.

RECEPTION STAFF will check the reception toilets if possible.

HT will check the other toilets if possible.

RECEPTION STAFF will check the little yard.

KITCHEN STAFF will make their way using the kitchen exit.

The ADMINISTRATOR will bring out the visitors book, registers and school emergency mobile to the assembly point.

Site manager or headteacher will phone the emergency services if necessary.


Children in the dining hall will exit via main entrance unless the fire is blocking this entrance. In this instance, children will exit from the staff entrance by the car park. Kitchen staff will exit via their external door.

Classes will assemble on the playground as normal. All other procedures are as normal.

The lunchtime assistant in charge of reception for that day will check the reception/infant toilets are clear (if they are in the school building).

All staff on site will exit via the nearest exit.

Review date: January 2024

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