Working Alone Policy
Headteacher/Caretaker/Cleaner/Teaching Staff
Staff of Andreas School are permitted to work within the school whilst all other staff and children are off the premises, with permission from the Headteacher, provided they carry out the following precautions.
- The school will remain locked at all times but use of the internal swipe card to open the door is permitted and staff have been trained to do this.
- At all times staff will have access to a copy of contact names and numbers for relevant staff (see below). Staff can also have access to telephones within the school for emergency use.
- Staff choosing to work alone should carry a personal mobile phone which they agree to use in the case of an emergency.
The Caretaker, Cleaner, Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher have a sub master key for all areas of the school. However the registered key holders are the Caretaker, the Headteacher and the Deputy and only they should lock up the main building unless there is a letting - in which case there should be a lettings form completed and sent to the Department and a person nominated to take the role of caretaker.
This means that during term time the main school building will be locked by the caretaker at 5.30 pm Monday to Thursday, 5 pm on Fridays, unless an alternative agreement has been reached with the Head teacher.
If, during any period of sole occupation of the building, help is required from another person in an emergency, the following procedures should be followed in order of availability
- contact others who are nearby, who may be working on site
- contact caretaker – Andy Booth 422762 or Trish Dudley 463867
- contact works division – Tel: 630200
- dial 999
If after gaining permission staff are working alone outside the above hours, they are to inform the Head or Caretaker that they have left the building.
Any incidents occurring during ‘time alone’ to be reported to Headteacher as soon as possible on 463867
I have read and understood this policy and am happy to work within Andreas School whilst other staff and children are away from the premises, with permission from the Headteacher.
Signed …………………………………………………………………. date…………………
Signed (Headteacher)……………………………………… date………………..
Policy drawn up July 2013 by R Ashley,
Policy drawn up July 2013 by R Ashley, reviewed July 2014. July 2015 Sep 2016 2017 2018
Next review Sep 2020. Reviewed November 2020. Reviewed June 2021. Review date June 2024