Andreas School e-safety
This policy should be read and used in conjunction with the safeguarding policy, the behaviour policy, the anti bullying policy and health and safety policies.
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Set out the key principles expected of all members of the school community at Andreas School with respect to the use of ICT based technologies.
- Safeguard and protect the children and staff.
- Assist school staff working with children to work safely and responsibly with the internet and other communication technologies and to monitor their own standards and practice.
- Set clear expectations of behaviour and/or codes of practice relevant to responsible use of the internet for educational, personal or recreational use.
- Ensure that all members of the school community are aware that unlawful or unsafe behaviour is unacceptable and that, where appropriate, disciplinary or legal action will be taken.
As a school we recognise all pupil should understand how to be safe on line and when using technology.
E-Safety - A definition
E-Safety encompasses the use of new technologies, internet and electronic communications such as mobile phones, collaboration tools and personal publishing. It highlights the need to educate pupils about benefits and risks of using technology and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experience. This will include current new technology and how we should behave when using them.
Access to the internet is available to all staff and children through laptops, desktops and iOS devices. The internet is filtered through a DEC controlled filter, however it cannot filter out all inappropriate materials. Access to social networking sites, external email and YouTube is restricted to staff only through a secure login.
Children’s access to the internet is only permitted under close supervision. Supervision means more than being in the room, a teacher needs to be actively involved in what the children are doing. No internet access is allowed during break times/ lunch times unless supervised by a member of staff.
If necessary teachers should conduct random checks on devices, including the history and browser windows.
Members of staff need to be aware that it is possible to use 3G to bypass web filtering. At the present time children who bring phones to school are asked for them to remain switched off and handed to the teacher or the school office for the duration of the school day. Devices brought in from home with 3G can bypass school filtering systems and present a new route to undesirable material and communications. Care is required in any use in school or other officially sanctioned location. Children should use the schools wifi ‘DESCGuest’ network, that filters searches when accessing the internet.
Social networking sites are blocked by our web filtering.
What do we teach about using social media?
Appropriate behaviour
As a school we try to teach children how to be safe and responsible citizens on line. We have e-safety sessions each year as well as regular reminders when necessary. Cyber bullying is not accepted. Any incidents of cyber bullying within school will be fully investigated and when necessary outside agencies, including the police, will be involved. All incidents of bullying will be treated in accordance with our behaviour policy. As parents are also responsible for their children's online safety, we strongly advise they adhere to the age restrictions recommended by all online platforms and games.
Personal Data - School's storage and use of images
All photos must be deleted from cameras/ video cameras/ mobile devices as soon as possible (within 48hours at the latest) and stored on staff laptops. These photos will be deleted when there is no longer an appropriate use for them.
When taking photographs in school staff need to make sure there are no notices, class lists or details of children in the background. Images should not be stored on laptops longer than necessary.
Images taken are for school use only. Names of children must not be published on the public wiki or social media pages although first names may be used on the private pupil wiki provided parental permission has been given.
Holding sensitive data.
All the data we hold is GDPR complaint and we follow the DESC's retention policy.
Staff laptops are to be password protected. If any member of staff discovers that they can access information without the use of a password they have a duty to report this to ICT help as soon as possible.
Children are to be taught the importance of age appropriate, secure passwords
Each class teacher will be responsible for teaching and regularly monitoring the children’s use of ICT in their classroom. E-safety and acceptable use of ICT must be reinforced and embedded throughout all year groups and Key Stages. This will be done on specific E safety days as well as part of every day school life.
Sanctions for misuse
If members of staff suspect that misuse might have taken place, it is essential that correct procedures are used to investigate, preserve evidence and protect those carrying out the investigation. Items will be confiscated if necessary. If a member of staff has evidence, or suspects, that inappropriate images or messages are on a device, it must be immediately switched off and handed to the Headteacher.
Staff will endeavour to seek clarity over accidental, deliberate or illegal access to inappropriate material and there will be sanctions for bullying, harassment, sexual exploitation, racial or hate motivated incidents which will be in line with our behaviour and anti bullying policies.
If a child uses a laptop/ i pad in a way deemed inappropriate (e.g.watching videos/playing games not sanctioned by school or searching for inappropriate material) they will be banned from using the equipment for a period of time and their parents will be informed.
Staff responsibilities
All staff are responsible for modelling good practise and adhering to school policies regarding e-safety. Staff set an example in terms of e-safety by having secure passwords, using mobile devices in an appropriate way during learning time (e.g not texting, social networking, personal use etc), talking through appropriate use of social networking.
Staff must maintain a professional level of conduct in their personal use of technology both within and outside of school. Staff must not bring the DESC or school into disrepute with social networking and emails, and act within the DESC Acceptable Use Policy and whistle-blowing policy.
Staff are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their professional development e-safety by use of Isle of Man DESC wiki and other online material.
Date: September 2016 September 2017, September 2018, September 2019, June 2021
Reviewing Policy: September 2023