Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.

Volunteers in School Policy


Andreas School welcomes volunteers into our school community and acknowledges they bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of our children.

Our Volunteers include:

  1. Members of the Governing Body
  2. Parents of pupils
  3. Ex-pupils
  4. Students on work experience from local schools
  5. Local residents
  6. Friends of the school

The types of activities that Volunteers are engaged can include:

  1. Hearing children read
  2. Working with small groups of children
  3. Working alongside individual children
  4. Undertaking art & craft activities with children
  5. Helping at after-school clubs e.g. running
  6. Working with children on the computers
  7. Accompanying school visits
  8. Addressing areas of development highlighted in the School Improvement Plan.
  9. Providing positive role models.

Becoming a Volunteer
Anyone wishing to become a volunteer, either for a one off event such as a school visit or on a more regular basis, e.g. hearing children read, should approach the Deputy Head Teacher.


Volunteers in school are bound by a code of confidentiality. Any concerns that volunteers have about the children they work with / come into contact with should be voiced with the Class Teacher and NOT with the parents of the child / persons outside school. Comments regarding children’s behaviour or learning can be highly sensitive, and if taken out of context, can cause distress to the parents of a child if they hear about such issues through a third party rather than directly from the school. Volunteers who are concerned about anything another adult in the school does or says should raise the matter with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.


All volunteers work under the supervision of the Class Teacher of the class to which they are assigned. Teachers retain responsibility for children at all times, including the children’s behaviour and the activity they are undertaking.

Volunteers should have clear guidance from the Teacher as to how an activity is carried out / what the expected outcome of an activity is. Volunteers are encouraged to seek further advice / guidance from the Teacher in the event of any query / problem regarding children’s understanding of a task or behaviour

Health & Safety

The school has a Health & Safety Policy and students must make themselves aware of this. Volunteers must sign in when they arrive. Class Teachers ensure that volunteer are clear about emergency procedures (e.g. fire alarm evacuation) and about any safety aspects associated with a particular task (e.g. using DT equipment / accompanying children on visits). Volunteers need to exercise due care and attention and report any obvious hazards or concerns to the Class Teacher / Headteacher.

E safety

If a volunteer suspects that misuse involving ICT equipment might have taken place, it is essential that correct procedures are used to investigate, preserve evidence and protect those carrying out the investigation. Items will be confiscated if necessary. If a member of staff has evidence, or suspects, that inappropriate images or messages are on a device, it must be immediately switched off and handed to the Headteacher.

Date: March 2015 Reviewed: March 2016, March 2017, June 2021

Review Sep 2023

Conduct and confidentiality agreement for school volunteers

These guidelines are designed to be of support to those who help in school. They are to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.

  • Volunteers will have clear guidance from the teacher as to how an activity is carried out / what the expected outcome of an activity is. Volunteers are encouraged to seek further advice / guidance from the teacher in the event of any query / problem regarding children’s understanding of a task or behaviour
  • Please remember that if you are ever unhappy about an activity which you have been asked to supervise, please say so and talk to the teacher concerned.
  • Please always remember to ensure you do not leave yourself vulnerable with any child e.g. you should not be asked to or volunteer to work unsupervised with a child.
  • We treat the pupils with courtesy and respect and expect them to treat everyone, both adults and children in the same way.All interactions should reflect our School Values.
  • As one of the partners in the learning process, you will be viewed as a good role model of a caring, sensible adult.
  • Volunteers in school accept they are bound by a code of confidentiality. Any concerns that volunteers have about the children they work with / come into contact with will be voiced with the Class Teacher and NOT with persons outside school.
  • If you have any concerns at all it is essential that you speak to the class teacher, or the support teacher with whom you are working. Teaching staff are trained professionals and are able to ascertain whether information needs to be discussed any further with either specific parents or with the Senior Managers of the schools. If you have a Safeguarding concern, please speak immediately to the Head, Deputy or teacher in charge.
  • If you have concerns about anything another adult in the school does or says, you should raise the matter with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
  • Class teachers will ensure that you are clear about emergency procedures (e.g. fire alarm evacuation) and about any safety aspects associated with a particular task. If in doubt please ask. You must exercise due care and attention and report any obvious hazards or concerns to the Class Teacher / Headteacher.
  • If there are times when you are unable to come into school for one reason or another, then please let the school know.


If you volunteer to help in school you will be asked to sign the following:

Please read and sign this agreement and hand it in at school. You will receive a copy of it for your records.

I have received and read a copy of the “Conduct and confidentiality agreement for school volunteers”

I agree to support the School’s Core Values and follow the policies of the school.

I agree to treat information I learn from being in school as confidential

Name (please print)………………………………………………

signed: ......................................................

Date: .................................................................

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