Trainee Placement Policy
This policy is to be read and used in conjunction with the Safeguarding Policy, the Behaviour policy, Anti-bullying, Health and Safety, Learning and Teaching and Feedback/Marking policies..
Andreas School is committed to hosting trainee teachers and acknowledges the following regarding initial teacher education and the role of school placement in this process.
- Positive school placement experiences are critical to ensuring appropriate initial teacher education for all student teachers.
- Close collaboration between the school and Edgehill is essential to positive and meaningful school placement experiences for student teachers.
- It is desirable that schools host trainee teachers for placement and, in doing so, provide them with the opportunity to observe teaching and to teach classes independently and in collaboration with suitably qualified practicing teachers.
- In the course of school placement, trainee teachers require the support of the whole-school community in their journey towards professional competence.
- Hosting trainees on placement is enriching for the learners in a school, student teachers, co-operating teachers and the wider school community. In particular, learners benefit from a greater variety of teaching, learning and co-curricular experiences through the structured participation of trainees in the school. Furthermore, the school gains access to a variety of newer approaches to teaching and learning through its engagement with trainees.
Implications for the school hosting trainees on placement
Hosting a trainee on placement will involve them observing classes being taught by members of the school’s teaching staff. It will also involve trainees teaching classes, in the first instance, while being observed and supported by the class teacher and mentor. Then, as their competence develops, the student teacher will move to teaching classes independently in line with Edgehill requirements and the trainee’s particular stage of development on the ITE programme.
Scheduling of trainees on placement
The headteacher, or staff members to whom this task is delegated, will allocate trainees to co-operating teachers and classes, having regard for: the stage the trainee is at in his/her initial teacher education programme: the particular needs of the learners in a particular class; the requirement for the student teacher to experience an appropriate range of placement contexts; and any special circumstances of which the co-operating teacher has an awareness.
Induction of trainees on placement
Trainees will, prior to commencing their placement, be provided with an orientation to the key personnel, ethos and work of the school. This orientation shall involve trainee teachers being provided with information that will include details of key school policies, in particular the school’s policies on Student Placement, Behaviour, Child Protection, Health and Safety, Learning and Teaching and Marking/Feedback. They must read and sign the guidelines at the end of this policy.
Supports for the trainees
The school community is committed to supporting positively and sensitively the trainee teacher in accordance with the Edgehill guidelines on school placement. Each trainee will be allocated a trained mentor. Furthermore, the school is committed to allocating the trainee teacher to appropriate co-operating teachers and to the classes essential to him/ her undertaking his/her school placement successfully. The school will also provide the trainee with the teaching facilities and resources necessary to his/her work during the placement.
Trainees in school are bound by a code of confidentiality. Any concerns that they have about the children they work with / come into contact with should be voiced with the Class Teacher and NOT with the parents of the child / persons outside school. Comments regarding children’s behaviour or learning can be highly sensitive, and if taken out of context, can cause distress to the parents of a child if they hear about such issues through a third party rather than directly from the school. Trainees who are concerned about anything another adult in the school does or says should raise the matter with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
Health & Safety
The school has a Health & Safety Policy and trainees must make themselves aware of this. They must sign in when they arrive. Class Teachers ensure that trainees are clear about emergency procedures (e.g. fire alarm evacuation) and about any safety aspects associated with a particular task (e.g. using DT equipment / accompanying children on visits). Trainees need to exercise due care and attention and report any obvious hazards or concerns to the Class Teacher / Headteacher.
Date: March 2018, 2019, June 2021
Review: June 2023