Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.

Health and Safety Policy

Aims of the Policy

    • To provide a safe, secure and healthy working environment for staff
    • To encourage everyone to take responsibility for being vigilant and to and children be aware of possible risks whilst also feeling confident and comfortable within their environment
    • To be read and used in conjunction with the safeguarding policy, the anti bullying policy, trainee policy, volunteer policy, lone working policy and behaviour policy. It adheres to the principles outlined in the ‘Code of Conduct’ and the DESC’s ‘Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young People in Educational Settings (2015).


    • Ensure there is sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all people and pupils to avoid hazards and to contribute to their own safety and health at work
    • Maintain electrical equipment to an appropriate standard and ensure a safe environment for handling, storing and transporting items
    • Administer appropriate procedures according to fire regulations
    • Have procedures in place for the safe administration of medicines and for dealing with accidents and illness
    • Have a procedure in place for reporting faulty equipment and near misses
    • Maintain regular checks of the building and safety and security
    • Be aware of the pressures on teaching staff and the possible effects which stress may have
    • Give guidance on lone working and personal safety
    • Lay down procedures to use if there is an accident
    • Inform about what should be done in a case of emergency

Communicating the Policy

This health and safety policy will be kept in the staff room and on the school website.

Visitors have their attention drawn to basic health and safety information on entry to the school and those likely to visit school on a regular basis are requested to read the policy itself.

Responsibilities of individual class teachers

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires governors and employees, according to their particular roles, to take the initiative on certain matters. The following list is a guide to the particular responsibilities that individuals have.

    • Know the safety measures and arrangements to be adopted in their own working areas and ensure that they are applied
    • Observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/ or hygiene
    • Keep good standards of hygiene and cleanliness
    • Know and apply the procedures in respect of emergencies
    • Co-operate with other employees and the safety representative in promoting health and safety measures
    • Report any hazard or breakage

Responsibilities of post-holders

Those responsible for others should ensure that:

    • Members of their team are complying with health and safety regulations
    • Draw the attention of the Headteacher to any breach of procedure amongst their team which cannot be dealt with
    • Supply teachers, temporary staff and new members of permanent staff are made familiar with health and safety procedures
    • The Headteacher or school site supervisor is informed if any difficulties occur and that near misses and accidents are reported and recorded
    • They set a good example to members of their team and children
    • They keep an overview of the parts of the premises for which they are responsible
    • They keep up-to-date with new pieces of advice relating to health and safety
    • They keep an overview of equipment and substances kept in their areas
    • All donated equipment is safe for use, if necessary seeking specialist advice
    • They complete necessary risk assessments and check that members of their team complete them when necessary
    • They implement existing policies and follow advice and instructions

Responsibilities of the Governing Body

    • Ensure the high profile of health and safety in relation to financial planning, personnel decisions and in-service training
    • Ensure that policies relating to health and safety are in place and updated regularly
    • Enable a member of the governing body to have a key monitoring role in relation to health and safety including a regular walk around the school building with the site supervisor and headteacher
    • Ensure that safety standards for purchased goods and equipment are met and that items offered for sale by the school are safe

Responsibilities of the Headteacher

    • To ensure that the school meets as far as is reasonably practicable, the requirements of the health and safety legislation
    • To regularly review the safety and security of the school building during an annual Governors’ meeting
    • To undertake risk assessments as and when required and review regularly
    • To put into practice and monitor the procedures described in associated policies i.e. first aid, emergency, fire, reporting of defects
    • To act upon referrals from employees
    • To ensure staff and pupils comply with agreed procedures
    • To record and inform relevant external agencies as and when appropriate
    • To ensure access to this policy and other health and safety information as legally required
    • Advise and inform the Governing Body as to health and safety practice, legislation and compliance
    • To ensure that appropriate logs and records of incidents are completed and acted upon
    • To ensure policies and employees are updated as to new legislation and guidance
    • To ensure that employees have adequate training and information to enable them to act upon health and safety recommendations
    • To ensure that temporary/ supply staff are informed of health and safety practice
    • To report on any audits/ inspections to the governing body and follow-up any necessary actions
    • To make sure that fire drills are held at least once per term and cover a variety of situations including the blocking of an exit, a child not registering and lunchtime evacuation
    • To ensure that escape routes are kept clear and monitor on a daily basis for hazards and emerging issues effecting the health and safety of staff, pupils and visitors, immediately acting with a view to the highest priority the safety of all on site
    • Ensure adequate first aid cover is provided

Responsibilities of visitors

Regular visitors and other users of the school will be required to observe the safety rules of the school. The Headteacher will ensure that visitors are informed of health and safety matters which may affect them during their visit.

Parents helping out in school will be made aware of the health and safety arrangements by the teacher who they are working with.

The Governing Body and Headteacher have agreed that the following procedures/ codes of practice shall be followed within the school:


    • Any member of staff finding a defect in the building, furniture or equipment will take steps to remove the hazard or ensure that the risk is minimised and report the details immediately to the Caretaker or Headteacher.
    • The Caretaker, in consultation with the Headteacher, if necessary, will take steps to have the defect rectified, i.e. by notifying the site supervisor, contacting property services via the hotline, school technical services or other competent contractor
    • Any member of staff discarding a faulty item or electrical item must inform the administrator so it can be removed from the inventory.

Accident reporting

All serious accidents that occur on the site should be recorded on an accident form and the details forwarded immediately or as soon as is possible. All minor accidents should be reported in the minor accident book. Where necessary, parents/ guardians or other persons should be notified of the accident.

If the accident is serious, senior management should be informed immediately and action taken to ensure the location of the accident is still safe to use.


Our school has opted into the Education Services premises package, which includes the testing of portable appliances. Registers are kept in the office itemising each appliance and details of tests carried out. Electrical items received or purchased by the school are recorded in the register by the Caretaker or Stock Holder. All defective items are removed or repaired.

    • Staff should be vigilant for:
    • Damage to plugs and switches
    • Damage to leads
    • Correctly fitted connectors
    • Coloured insulation of the internal wires not showing at plug or appliance
    • Damage to outer case of equipment
    • Signs of overheating
    • Signs of liquid spillage or entry of foreign materials, ventilation ports not blocked
    • The appliance being used for the purpose it was designed for

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)

Our school is alert to the need to limit the use of any hazardous substance and use alternative substances where possible. A file is kept in the site supervisors. All COSHH materials have a data sheet which is kept in the caretakers office.

All staff are reminded annually of COSHH materials

Access equipment

Staff are reminded that they should only use approved equipment to put up displays and access higher level shelving. Consideration should be given to the appropriate clothing and footwear necessary.

Risk assessments

Risk assessments must be completed for all areas of the school and whenever there is the possibility that a hazard or danger might be encountered as part of a school activity either on site or off site.

Manual handling

All members of staff should be aware of manual handling activities involved in their day-to-day activities i.e. the movement of bundles of paper, the reorganisation of classroom furniture, the carrying of books, the movement of audio/ visual equipment, the movement of steel pans and music equipment.

Children should not be required to move heavy objects and should only move awkward objects with appropriate supervision.

Staff are reminded annually about correct posture when lifting and carrying equipment. All staff should alert senior members of staff if they feel that an action they are involved with is having an affect on their physical health and well-being.

Work experience

We welcome work experience students to Andreas School. In order to make sure that their experience is beneficial it is important to follow the volunteer and trainee policies.

Work experience students are co-ordinated by the deputy headteacher. Their class teacher is responsible for ensuring their induction and mentoring them whilst on site.

PE equipment

The PE equipment is inspected annually. The Caretaker is responsible for overseeing this inspection and for keeping a weekly check of whether equipment is fit for purpose.

Use of the field for sports

Please remember that the field is used by the general public. It would be sensible to take a mobile phone outside with you.

Contractors and visitors

All contractors and visitors entering the premises are required to sign in and wear a visitors’ badge. They are alerted to important health and safety information

Display Screen Equipment

All work stations used by staff require a risk assessment. Staff should have training in the use of the DSE. This should be delivered by DOE central ICT Team. All Staff should follow these guide lines.

    • Do not use a computer screen (laptop or desktop) for more than 30 minutes without looking up.
    • Try to position yourself so that you can look at objects in the distance e.g. through a window every few minutes.
    • Short frequent breaks should be taken when typing for long periods e.g. to answer the phone, talk to a colleague. This is designed to ensure your eyes do not focus on close objects for long periods of time.

Occupation density figures

Large hall

Close seating – 300 people

Seated at tables – 220 people

Dancing, no tables or chairs – 200 people

Dancing with tables and chairs – 110 people

Small hall

Close seating – 200 people

Seated at tables – 140 people

Dancing, no tables or chairs – 200 people

Dancing with tables and chairs – 110 people

Key holders responding to an alarm

Please note:

    • Always assume an alarm is genuine
    • If possible, speak to anyone who has drawn your attention to the alarm or incident to find out if they have any information about what may be happening
    • Take a torch and a personal attack alarm with you if possible. Preferably take someone with you.
    • Take a mobile phone
    • Look outside your own home before going out in case someone is watching you leave
    • Tell someone where you are going and how long you are likely to be

If police are attending the incident then wait for the police to arrive before entering the site.

If the police are not attending:

    • Never confront an intruder or approach or enter a building if you think an intruder may be in there. Call the police and wait outside
    • Do not enter or approach a building on your own if you are concerned for your safety
    • Check from outside of the school and at a distance to see whether there are any signs of an intrusion
    • Check whether there are any unexpected vehicles in the area
    • Make sure you have a mobile phone to summon help if necessary

Leaving an empty building

    • Carry out locking up and security checks from the inside of the building wherever possible
    • Start the locking up process while there is still staff inside the building
    • Set all alarms
    • Always be on the alert when leaving an empty building in case someone is waiting for you to do so

In the event of trespassers

Where a person is not immediately recognised as having legitimate reason to be on the school grounds they should be politely asked if they need any help. Assuming the person seems to have a valid reason they should be directed towards the office where they will be asked to sign in and out and be given a visitor’s badge.

    • If it emerges that the person has no right to be on school premises then
    • They should be asked to leave by the nearest exit and observed until they do so
    • The most senior member of staff available should be informed

If an intruder refuses to leave becomes abusive or seems to present a threat to the safety of others the police should be called without delay.

If you feel in anyway threatened do not approach but find a safe place and call the police. Don’t try to physically remove trespassers from the site or engage in arguments with them. Make your point, withdraw and call the police.

In the event of a break in on site

Remember personal safety is far more important than the protection of property.

    • Ensure that if children are still on site any available barriers e.g. magnetised doors, are put into operation
    • Alert colleagues who should call emergency services and seek assistance
    • Monitor the intruders and check their progress

In the event of an abusive parent/ adult

Make sure any meeting with any adult whom you suspect may turn abusive is conducted in a room that can easily be monitored and with members of staff within easy reach. It may be appropriate to request that an additional member of staff meets with the parent depending upon circumstances.

Should a parent/ adult become abusive they should be asked to leave the premises in a calm and non-threatening way. It might be appropriate for a member of staff to alert the police should the adult refuse to leave or if their behaviour is causing concern in any way.

If any incident has occurred an incident form should be completed and it may be necessary to inform the governors and/ or DESC for further action to be taken. Make sure you attend to your own emotional needs following any incident and seek help and support if necessary. In the case of an employee support should be offered following an incident.

Reporting Incidents

Use an incident form to report all incidents, however, minor, including all alarm responses and all trespass incidents. In addition, any occurrence where individuals are, or feel threatened must be reported to the police and the LA, as it is a serious matter. Use the official accident report form for this purpose and return it to the DESC immediately.

First Aid

All staff currently hold a first aid qualification.


Andreas-The first aid is kept in the cupboard outside the HT office.

For the supervising of an out-of-school visit there is a first aid satchel available – staff must ensure that this is taken on a trip.


In case of concern about the health of an individual the following precautions should be followed:

    • the child is sent to a qualified first aider
    • the injury/ concern is checked and an assessment made of the level of treatment needed
    • a decision will be communicated to the class teacher and or head/ secretary as necessary
    • parents are informed when necessary

Levels of action include:

    • treatment on school premises for minor ailments/ accidents – Minor Accident Book
    • treatment on school premises with a letter sent home informing parents of the nature of the incident/ accident – Minor Accident Book
    • parents contacted immediately – Accident Book – DESC informed if sufficiently serious
    • if parents are unavailable and the injury is considered to be sufficiently serious then removal to hospital – Accident Book – DESC informed
    • if a very serious injury or there is any uncertainty about the level of severity an ambulance will be called immediately and parent informed

In each case every attempt should be made to:

    • check the injury to the best of our ability
    • inform the relevant people in the case of more serious incidents.

This includes:

    • the Headteacher
    • the parents
    • the DESC

Keep accurate records of the injury, events leading up to the injury and actions subsequently, err on the side of caution, consider the needs of the child as central to all actions.


Our school will take reasonable steps to store medicines for pupils requiring regular medication, and to make them easily available.

Parents are required to complete a medicine form prior to any medication being given. When medication has been given the details should be entered onto the record form.

Swimming lessons

The ‘duty of care’ is shared between the class teacher and swimming teacher whilst the pupils are on the poolside. We follow DESC guidance and procedures.

Medical considerations

Children with chest infections, severe colds, open wounds, sores should be excluded from the water. School medical records should be checked carefully and any relevant medical disabilities reported in writing to the swimming teacher. Children with asthma should ensure that they bring their inhaler.


Children should go to the toilet, blow their nose and have clean feet before going onto the poolside.

Children and teachers should not chew anything during the lesson.

There should be no outdoor footwear on the poolside and all teachers must carry a whistle.

Children are not allowed to run on the pool surrounds and teachers must not turn their back on the class and engage in conversation.

All children and teachers must understand the pool emergency procedure.

Teachers may only teach on poolside and may not enter the water to demonstrate or assist, unless another adult is present on poolside. Teachers should be suitably clothed and wearing training shoes.

All swimming volunteers will be DBS checked.


Teachers must have a whistle and use this to alert the staff to any difficulties.

The lifeguard is there to ensure the safety of all pool users and should not be unnecessarily distracted.

In the event of a rescue being effected all teachers should assume responsibility for removing their class from the water and take direction from the pool staff or Duty Manager.

Emergency evacuation

The fire alarm is the signal to evacuate. Staff must evacuate the pool and assemble swimmers by the nearest fire exit.

Under no circumstances should children be taken to the changing areas to collect their belongings.

Teachers are responsible for ensuring their class is fully accounted for by taking a register.

Photographs and Videos

On entry to our school and annually

parents will be informed of school policy and permission requested for use of pictures.

Health and well-being of staff

In order to help prevent stress and to provide the best working environment for the health and well being of staff we

    • that times of meetings be negotiated
    • limited in the length
    • frequency with which staff need to remain in school
    • that notice is given of cancellations
    • that consideration is always given to time scale to enable a reasonable amount of time to be given for completion of a task before the deadline
    • that deadlines can be negotiated in extenuating circumstances
    • that consideration is always given to workload and that no individual, regardless of level of authority, is expected to complete an unreasonable amount in a limited time
    • that no meeting is scheduled on Fridays after school
    • that where possible INSET days also allow for inter-phase/ year work and meetings
    • that PPA is regular and reliable
    • that working at home is an agreed principle where specific tasks need completion – in agreement with senior management


Hopefully, the practices recommended above should help prevent stress. In some cases this may not happen and staff should be alerted to some common effects of stress. These include:

    • high level of anxiety
    • low self-esteem
    • inability to concentrate
    • being more prone to accidents
    • headaches/ migraine
    • depression
    • panic attacks
    • chest pains
    • stomach problems
    • relationship problems

Colleagues should be alert to signs of stress in themselves and one another and should take steps to address these as they occur. Methods for dealing with stress might include:

    • sharing concerns with colleagues
    • prioritising workload
    • learning to say ‘no’
    • taking up a new hobby or sport
    • sharing feelings with people at home
    • ensuring that some time every week is set aside for relaxation
    • discussing responsibilities with a senior colleague and perhaps negotiating deadlines
    • pay attention to diet and ensure that you eat healthily and regularly

It is important that we create in the schools an environment, which welcomes the sharing of problems and concerns and offers support and advice as needed. If symptoms persist staff should contact a GP, Staff Welfare and concerns should be discussed with a senior colleague.

Fitting in with families

Every employee at our school has demands outside of the work place which will on occasion place pressure upon them and are likely to lead to differences in work practice. It is important that we recognise this and support colleagues in managing these demands.

It is expected that wherever possible staff will make arrangements around the school day, but where this is not possible we will attempt to support them in meeting the demands of home and school. We would also request that staff take responsibility for ensuring that, when they are absent cover arrangements ensure the continued smooth running of the school. In some cases it may be applicable to swap or use PPA time. This can be done in agreement with senior staff and accepting that the roles and responsibilities of the individual continue to be met to the full.

Where staff become aware that they are pregnant, it is recommended that senior staff are informed as soon as possible in order that appropriate safeguards can be put in place.

Monitoring arrangements

The governors will call for annual reports on:

- accidents/ incidents

- results of internal or external health and safety inspections

- complaints

- summary of ‘walk about’ information from health and safety link Governors

Policy review

This policy is reviewed annually each September and as and when required.

Last review date: September 2016, 17, 18, 19, June 2021, 2022

Next review: September 2024

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