Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.

Andreas School Vision Statement

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits: expecting everyone to be respectful, ready and safe.

At Andreas we are proactive when it comes to teaching learning and thinking. We use a variety of approaches to develop a growth mindset and spend dedicated time making sure this actively improves children’s learning. One of these is our unique Learn Without Limits language which develops children's capacity to learn. We achieve high academic standards by making sure learning is personalised, challenging and engaging, allowing children to aim high and reach for their personal goals. We teach children to work effectively by spending time reflecting and improving, sustaining effort, learning from mistakes and being responsible for learning in an age appropriate way. We expect children to aim high, honour their own learning and feel proud of their individual successes.

Our curriculum is skills led with a number of core approaches which ensure cohesion and clarity in learning for all subjects, one of which is fostering a climate of enquiry in classrooms. Developing high order thinking skills through Thinking Moves A-Z and P4C enhances learning across the curriculum whilst giving children the skills necessary to think collaboratively, critically, creatively and in a caring way. We expect children to have an active role in their own learning by planning with them and supporting them as they participate in the assessment of their own, and their peers, learning. A key factor of this approach is our Steps to Success. This bespoke hierarchy of skills in reading, writing and maths supports children and staff as they reflect on current learning and determine next steps. This ensures individual needs are routinely catered for and that learning is genuinely meaningful and appropriately challenging.

Creative teaching strategies enhance our curriculum and help to provide a range of opportunities which engage children. We value outdoor education: everyone has access to our forest school and loose parts play is a significant feature of playtimes. Children are taught how to risk assess so they keep themselves and others safe, enabling them to make the most of their time outside by, for example, climbing trees and building dens. This also ensures school is a happy place where children have fun and enjoy themselves. This well-being is very important to us, as is a child’s right to freedom and play. This respect for a child's right to free play contributes significantly to positive well being and robust mental health.

We recognise the importance of strong partnerships. We work with parents to foster good relationships, maintaining open lines of communication which enable children to succeed through support and encouragement from both school and family. We also value our local culture and history, constantly seeking to establish and strengthen community links, working with parents and other community members to make sure Andreas children understand, respect and are proud of their unique heritage.

We are an inclusive school, recognising that each child is an individual with different needs and qualities. All staff meet these needs and we ensure that children know they are valued. We believe that individual successes matter and are worthy of celebration. Our growth mindset culture underpins the belief that everyone can improve thereby guaranteeing that every child’s success has genuine worth.

Above all else, we want our children and staff to be happy, brave, confident, curious and compassionate, able to thrive and enjoy a passion for lifelong learning.