Andreas School

We develop quality thinking and inspire children to learn without limits.

Andreas School Planning Policy

At Andreas School we believe that planning is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Planning is aided by previous and ongoing assessments of the children’s learning which allow teachers to plan work for classes, groups and individual children enabling their next steps in learning to be catered for.

Long Term Planning

Staff follow an agreed long term plan for all non core subjects and Science by using the Cornerstones Maestro Curriculum.

Maths is planned using the Teaching Maths Through Understanding curriculum

Literacy is planned using our Steps to Success (S2S), the IOM level descriptors, the reading Assessment Foci, Talk for Writing

RE is planned using the Manx RE syllabus

The EYFS has its own curriculum called Development Matters.

Medium Term planning is an overview of which core skills may be taught but this is subject to change depending on where each child is and what their needs are. Cornerstones topic planning is used for non core skills and science. This ensures both breadth and depth of skills development and also ensures skills are built on systematically both through and between years. Medium term planning is shared with parents in the form of the Half Termly Leaflets.

Short Term Planning

Staff take into account the previous learning of the children, the range of needs and skills sets within the class.

Short term plans include:

  • Evidence of prior learning/assessment information being used to inform learning.
  • Clear learning objectives which focus on attitudes/ skills or knowledge not activities (learning not doing)
  • Indication of teaching strategies matched to needs, taking account of barriers to learning and differentiation
  • A weekly Learning/ Thinking Moves focus to structure learning talks around
  • Opportunities for independent learning using environmental provision where appropriate
  • Dedicated time for feedback and improvement
  • Enquiry based activities
  • P4C

School provides Short Term Planning Sheets (in the form of a weekly planning template) that ensure the above are included. Staff are at liberty to adapt/supplement these forms or use their own preferred format.

It is recognised that short term planning is subject to change based on how children learn on a daily/lesson by lesson basis. It is expected that the copy retained by the teacher may be annotated to reflect this. Children are encouraged to add to annotations and contribute to their next steps.

Guided reading

Guided reading is a specific aspect of short term planning. Teachers should plan for each group they teach making reference to the Assessment Focuses and S2S skills.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage is planned for using the Development Matters document.

Reviewed September 2019. Review date September 2021. Reviewed June 2021, 2022

Review June 2024

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